May 2023 false indigo and more peonies

The false indigo bush in front is blooming.

This bed looks a little uneven this year, but at least that is blooming nicely. There is also a red columbine that is almost finished.

The darker peonies are starting to open now.

Some are not the double peonies.

And here is Sidney snoozing under the hostas.

June 2021 Kitties, peonies, and peas

The peas are forming in their little pods. And there are many blooms. I have one little row of peas so I will probably eat them all sitting in the garden, since there are so few of them. I planted them all the way back in March.

The peonies are opening. I think there are fewer blooms than last year. The oddities of the weather in the early year might have altered the way these were able to form their blooms.

In the bed near where the squash and pumpkin will be spreading out, there are wall flowers and cat mint. I read that the cat mint would drive away squash bugs. I don’t know if that is true, but the plant is looking really lovely.

June 2021 River and more peonies

I suppose I should have named this as May 2021 for the river pictures since it was yesterday we went. It was a perfect day and the water was very cold but the sun felt great. I also saw some flowers that I hadn’t seen before.

The peonies are really opening quickly now.

Tiglet stretch with some rhubarb.

May 2021 Peonies blooming

This might be the earliest these peonies have ever come out. They are usually at least a week later. We had a strangely warm week early on in the spring and I think it hurried several things. Luckily the cold snap doesn’t seem to have stunted them at all.

It has been a very full May. Sorry these pictures aren’t very good. I will get some better ones tomorrow —or the next day.

May 2021 Garden blooms on the verge

There are many things in the garden right now on the verge of blooming. The enclosed, compressed energy is impressive.

If it keeps raining like it has for the last few days, the peonies will be really spectacular. I also may never get the lawn cut. Below is yarrow getting ready.

This is sage getting ready to bloom. The tarragon behind it is doing fantastically well. These are chives below.

I will save the bachelor’s buttons (cornflowers) for tomorrow. Maybe the sun will come out between now and then.

May 2021 May Day flowers, growth, and some kitties

I had a little garden tour this morning and had some kitty help with everything.

The yarrow looks great this year and the hostas have popped up overnight.

These lily of the valley have come on really quickly. The recent warm weather has hastened everything.

I have little violets growing in many beds… and coming up in the lawn too.

These phlox are starting to bloom. They look more blue in the sunlight than in these pictures.

These iris are very early –I didn’t even notice they were getting this close to blooming until suddenly they were opening. I love this very rich purple. They are not very tall.

The rhubarb has really come along too.

This almond bush has opened out into these amazing pink pom pom blooms.

I probably should have cut the lawn before taking pictures… but the light was so lovely this morning.

And here are some kitties playing amongst the peonies.